Alternatives to Traditional Pharmaceuticals for Treatment Resistant Depression

Although traditional biomedical pharmaceuticals, like SSRIs, are crucial in alleviating symptoms of depression, the drugs don't always work. Research shows that popular anti-depressants do not help as many as two-thirds of patients suffering from depression.

If you are using anti-depressants and still feel that the darkness has not been lifted, there is a likelihood that you are suffering from Treatment Resistant Depression (TRD).

 Treatment-resistant depression has been a significant cause of concern for doctors and patients. The latter are often left feeling hopeless and discouraged. However, do not give up! Recently, scientists have discovered alternative treatments that are ideal for patients suffering from TRD.

One of the best alternatives involves the use of ketamine. Let's explore how ketamine plays a significant role in the treatment of TRD.

Ketamine as an alternative treatment for TRD

Close to 20 percent of patients suffering from treatment-resistant depression can find relief with the use of ketamine. Studies have established that glutamate, a mood modulation property found in ketamine, is effective in treating both TRD and MDD.

The studies further revealed that NMDA antagonist ketamine is packed with rapid anti-depressant properties that are effective in treating TRD patients. Ketamine is demonstrated to be highly effective in alleviating the symptoms of TRD. When patients suffering from TRD were treated with ketamine, they showed significant clinical improvements.

The depressive symptoms decreased within hours after ketamine was administered. Additionally, the researchers established that ketamine was highly effective in reducing suicidal symptoms often experienced by patients suffering from TRD. After close to two decades of use and research, it is safe to conclude that ketamine is a valid and excellent anti-depressant and a credible option that can be used to treat depression effectively.

Is new ketamine drug approved for use with TRD patients?

On March 5th, 2020, the FDA approved the use of esketamine with patients suffering from major depression. The drug which is derived from ketamine is in the form of a nasal spray. Ketamine is an anesthetic drug that is highly effective as an anti-depressant.

Researchers and Doctors long considered ketamine to be highly effective with patients suffering from treatment-resistant depression. For this reason, the FDA fast-tracked the approval process to make eskatamine more accessible to TRD patients

A study revealed that 70 percent of patients with TRD improved when they were started on intranasal and oral anti-depressant esketamine.

How does ketamine work?

The drug works differently from the standard anti-depressants, which generally may be accompanied by long term side effects after use.  When you ingest ketamine, the drug will trigger several reactions in your cortex.

The reaction enables your brain connections to regrow and cause serotonin to increase. Typically, if you are suffering from depression, then the levels of serotonin in your brain are critically low. Serotonin is a major contributor to feelings of happiness and wellbeing.

Additionally, a study revealed  that ketamine prompts the brain to form new neural connections. The brain, therefore, becomes more adaptable to create new pathways. As a result, a patient suffering from depression gets a unique opportunity to change their thought patterns and behaviors from negative to positive.

Other alternatives for TRD

Different depression treatments are designed to work differently to affect neurotransmitters in your brain and cause healing. If the anti-depressants you are using are not effective, you can try the following:

·       Switch medications- there are several classes of anti-depressants. If one drug fails to work, another may be effective in treating depression. You can try newer medicines that are more effective in triggering the production of serotonin in your brain

·       Adding drugs- in some cases, you may need to add a new medication to the existing medicines you are already using. Augmenting treatment with other medications can be a great way to fight TRD.

·       Talk therapy- cognitive behavioral therapy can be an effective way of alleviating symptoms of TRD. The therapy focuses on changes in thoughts and behaviors with a view of replacing negative thoughts and behaviors with positive ones.

·       Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)- ECT treatments are spread over a 6 to 12 week period. The therapy can offer rapid relief to patients suffering from TRD.

·       Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)- a noninvasive procedure that uses magnetic fields to stimulate nerve cells in the brain to improve symptoms of depression. TMS is typically used when other depression treatments haven't been effective.

·       Psilocybin (magic mushrooms)- currently undergoing clinical trial but this therapeutic is not yet approved for treatment

·       MDMA (Molly or ectasy)- currently undergoing clinical trials but this therapeutic is not yet approved for treatment


Treatment resistant depression is affecting several people across the world. If you are getting no relief with the anti-depressants you are using, it is time to try alternative treatments. Ketamine is one of the best alternatives that offer reliable and viable solution for patients suffering from TRD.


All About Ketamine