Providing mental health resources

Mental Wellness United has a singular focus: creating better mental health outcomes for individuals. We are leading several initiatives, and also partner with existing organizations to increase resources, awareness, and effectiveness of their programs.


Exploring new treatments

The world is constantly changing and so should our treatment protocols. We continually interact with leading researchers to update best-in-class treatment options for those suffering from Depression, Anxiety, Bipolar Disorder, and PTSD.

Our Method


Partner with leading clinicians and researchers to provide information on various therapeutics, and treatment protocols.



If you are a researcher seeking funding for a study, please connect with us to learn more.


We believe the more evidence based articles, podcasts, and websites out there the better! We do our best to create as much as we can but if you are an individual interested in contributing to the arena of mental health, then please connect with us!



Mental Wellness United Programs



We contract research articles on ideas we don’t see well covered and try to fill in the gaps with new treatment options.


We believe that the best things happen when you get multidisciplinary experts together. We strive to create spaces where mental health providers can discuss best-in-class treatment protocols.

Information Resources

We are in the process of building out various websites, podcasts, and other media focused on mental health information.